Advantages of Italian citizenship versus residence in Italy

Italian citizenship is eligible to a great number of people, mainly because their ancestors were Italian immigrants who moved to other countries over the past century or so.  It is a slow process but if you are considering buying a property in Italy it may have some advantages. First of all, Italian citizens do not need a Visa to stay in Italy for unlimited periods of time. Secondly, you may have some tax breaks once you have Italian citizenship and are registered in the A.I.R.E.  or “Anagrafe  Italiani Residenti all’ Estero”, registry of Italians resident abroad (official website link: lists 

All Italian citizens have the right to buy an official “prima casa” or first home in Italy, with all the tax reductions or exemptions both on the taxes due when purchasing a property and on annual property taxes.

Furthermore, once you are registered in the A.I.R.E. you will be able to vote in Italian elections from abroad and obtain an Italian passport and other Italian documents.

If you are simply an Italian citizen and are not in the A.I.R.E. registry you do not have these advantages

Residence in Italy is a different matter. Becoming a permanent resident of Italy is easy if you are an Italian citizen, relatively easy if you are an EU citizen and not so easy if you are from outside the EU. It is not necessarily an advantage, however.  Moving to Italy means your worldwide income will be taxed in Italy, and income tax in Italy is quite high compared to many countries.

We offer services to help you both in obtaining citizenship and documents necessary for obtaining citizenship.

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